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Thursday, December 31, 2009

OWC LIne-up 1/1/10

Look at the date.....just look. It's 1/1/10. The 1st day of the 1st move of the new year. Only OWC could be on this date....only OWC. And with my announcement on the forums of revolutionizing OWC.....this is the beginning of that. Check out OWC as more announcements will be made about OWC....and stuff you don't want to miss as the new year brings new things.

Bambi vs. The Real King of Kings for the 24/7 Title

Captain Pwnage w/ Shaun (As Manager) vs. King of the Dead

StreetHawk vs. Matt Hardy's Wife vs. Sweetpeep vs. Ssj5vin in a #1 Contender's Match for the Tough Enough Title

Poison vs. Sharona vs. Kevin vs. Painkiller vs. Skitzo vs. ?????? in a SPECIAL HOLIDAY BATTLE ROYAL.....Learn more on OWC.

CBM vs. Saleem (Champion vs. Champion)

Bambi makes her debut match.

Interviews from many stars and their New Year's Resolutions in TFC.

McMahon 101 makes announcements concerning OWC and it being Revolutionized.

That and SO MUCH MORE!

Upcoming GM Spot

Don't miss it people because this Saturday, straight from the owner himself, will post the NEW Smackdown GM